Tomball Memorial High School Athletics

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Our Athletic Training Department at Tomball Memorial High School is dedicated to providing exceptional medical care to our student-athletes. We strive to prevent and identify injuries and offer first-aid, treatment, and rehabilitation services to all students regardless of their sport, gender, or ability level. In addition, we aim to create a supportive environment that encourages the growth and development of student athletic trainers by equipping them with transferable healthcare skills. We hold ourselves to the highest standards possible to bring pride to our parents, the athletic department, and ourselves.

Student Athletic Training Program

The TMHS Athletic Training Program and our Student Athletic Trainers (SAT) are a very important part of the overall success of the Wildcat athletic programs. We are responsible for the prevention, care, treatment, and rehabilitation of all athletic injuries that our student-athletes encounter. The SATs at Tomball Memorial High School assist the Licensed Athletic Trainers in many aspects of athletic training. SATs assist with or perform duties such as taping, administering treatments, providing first-aid, and stretching, and will be certified in CPR and First-aid. 
Important Information:
1. Student athletic trainers must maintain above-average grades in all classes. SATs will work many hours and could potentially miss classes. As a result, SATs must be able to manage their time wisely to meet their school and athletic training program requirements.
2. Student athletic trainers must be in good standing with their teachers and principals.
3. SATs must be able to work alongside other students, coaches, and student-athletes courteously and professionally without any unnecessary conflicts.
4. SATs may be required to work late at night, on Saturdays and some school holidays (Labor Day, spring break, etc.) Exceptions will be made on an individual basis when notice is given well in advance.
5. Student athletic trainers must have an excellent work ethic, must take initiative, and have a positive attitude.

Being a student athletic trainer can be a fun and rewarding experience. It will help the students to grow and mature as well as learn how to accept responsibility. We have very high expectations for the students involved in our program! 
Try-outs for this program happen in the Spring semester with applications opening before Spring Break.  If you are interested, please fill out this interest form to stay up-to-date on upcoming events!
Click HERE to apply!

Head Athletic Trainer:

Carissa Spraberry
281-357-3230 ext. 1189

Assistant Athletic Trainer:
Morgan Mennell
281-357-3230 ext. 1189